Band Camp Tips

How to Survive at Band Camp

We wanted to share some tips that will make the outdoor practices easier, more effective and more fun.


  1. Remember what to bring for rehearsal – i.e. lunch, water, instrument, etc. Make a checklist so you don’t end up in a predicament.
  2. Be on time – Remember that early is on time – on time is late.
  3. Warm-up Before Rehearsal
  4. Learn Rehearsal and Performance Etiquette – Ask your section leader or band director if you’re not sure about something. Good etiquette helps things flow smoothly and look professional.
  5. Try Your Hardest – You will probably make faster friends and be respected more if you make a decent effort at marching and playing your instrument.
  6. Be Optimistic – Complaining is extremely annoying and unhelpful.
  7. Make Friends – Get to know your classmate, your section, whoever is sitting or standing next to you in formation, and anybody else that seems interesting. You have band and music in common already. but do not talk when you’re are setting up formations or going over your music.
  8. Learn the Show – Now is the time to practice. Practice as you would like to perform- learn your formations, work, music, rhythms, etc.
  9. Take Care of Yourself – You’ll perform better and feel better if you take care of your body. Marching band is a sport!
    • Stretch. Marching band can be demanding outside in the heat. You don’t want to pull a muscle or injure yourself.
    • Wear sunscreen and a hat outside. That sunburn won’t feel good tomorrow, and it’ll spare you ‘band tans’ (somewhat). Remember to reapply every 2 hours or so. Wear chapstick that protects against the sun. Sunburned lips are not fun to play an instrument with, especially for brass players. Also be sure to wear shoes that don’t come off in the mud in case it rains.
    • Drink plenty of water. This means water or Gatorade/Powerade (see Warnings). Soda and juice will dehydrate you. Avoid drinking milk or eating dairy products. The heat will cause it to curdle in your stomach and make you nauseous. Get an insulated jug for water. One thing that works well is to half fill your jug the night before and freeze it – then in the morning fill it up the rest of the way with water and put the lid on. You’ll have cold water most of the day!
    • Eat healthy foods! Don’t just eat a pop-tart for breakfast on your way out the door; marching a lot is a very physical activity, especially if it’s for the entire day. Also remember to eat a healthy lunch. Fried foods aren’t good for you anyway, but if you eat unhealthy fast food, you will regret it after marching.
    • Wear movable clothing and comfortable, athletic shoes. Dress appropriately for the weather.
  10. Care for Your Instrument
    • Insert the brass mouthpiece or woodwind part firmly enough that it doesn’t fly out when snapped up and down. Tape them during the show.
    • Avoid getting a woodwind wet, especially the pads- they will fall off. If you are forced to march in the rain close all holes/keys. Use your cleaning cloth to dry the instrument after each practice. If you ever have to get pads replaced on your marching instrument ask for plastic pads.
    • Oil your valves or slide before practice. It’s much harder from mid-field.
    • For percussion, take the opportunity to learn from your drum instructor how to tie cymbals properly and how to replace and tune a drumhead.
    • Learn the proper way to set your instrument down: not on its keys or delicate valves. If you must set your instrument on the ground, set it with the others from your section in a formation. It’s a nice flourish and shows off sectional spirit, and it might help save them from a careless foot.
    • Get LOTS of Rest – Band camp can be strenuous, and it’s easier if you’re well rested.
    • Be respectful and courteous towards band directors, assistants and parent volunteers – Often they are busy or stressed, so be understanding.


   – Practice Good Personal Hygiene – No one likes a smelly band nerd. Deodorant helps, and should travel with you somewhere that you can get to it when getting out of a sweaty uniform, later. Remember to take showers after rehearsals!

   – Keep a Pencil Handy – We suggest keeping a pencil in your instrument case to mark sheet music during practice. Guard people, sometimes a change will occur in your drill book- you need pencils too.

   – Prepare for Constructive Criticism – Remember that everyone is at band camp to learn. If you’re a newcomer, don’t take it personally when an instructor gives advice. Remember, they’re trying to help you look better in performance. If you’re a returning member, help out newcomers and be patient with them. You learned once, too.

   – Cold Water Helps – If your water bottle is transparent, sometimes keeping it in a bag will keep it cool on a hot day; this keeps the sun from heating it up.

   – Don’t Complain – Bad attitudes are contagious.


   – Woodwinds and brass should not play their instrument after eating or drinking sugary stuff (like Gatorade and Powerade). It’s fine to have a snack during breaks, just make sure to wash it down with water.

   – Never handle or play somebody else’s instrument without permission. You will be held accountable if it breaks.

   – Many people can overheat during band camp if it’s hot outside. If you start to feel fatigued, dizzy, nausea, you may be suffering from heat exhaustion. Tell a section leader, drum major, or staff member immediately. Get to some shade and get some water if you think this is happening to you.

   – Don’t talk when the band director, staff, drum majors, or section leaders are talking. Not only will this make them mad, but it will distract people around you from what they’re saying, which could be very important. If you need help finding your drill spot, quietly raise your hand and someone will gladly help you. Respect upperclassmen- chances are they’re right and you’re wrong.

   – If you are given a drill sheet with your formations on it or music do not lose it!!

   – Discipline. Marching Band is very military-esque. When the director is speaking, you do not. When you need to snap to attention, you snap. Take it seriously, many skills that you learn in this activity can be applied to everyday life!

Things You’ll Need

   – Your instrument

   – Water – LOTS OF WATER! 

   – Sunscreen and chapstick

   – Music (preferably in a binder/plastic protectors to keep clean)

Being a part of the band is unlike anything else. The things you’ll learn and the friendships you make will last a lifetime. Enjoy it and make it count!